Add Secret Keys

Create Secret Keys in GitHub

Create secret keys in GitHub to assign these values to variables in the CI/CD pipeline, ensuring it runs correctly.

  • Go to the Settings of the repository you created in the previous section.
  • Select Secrets and variables and Actions as shown.
  • Click New repository secret to create a new secret.


  • Add the following values as shown below:

    • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: Add the access key value you created in AWS.
    • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: Add the secret key value you created in AWS.
    • AWS_REGION: Set this to the region you are using.
    • AWS_ACCOUNT_NUMBER: Set this to the account number you are using.
    • DOCKER_PASSWORD: Add the password or token from your Docker account.
    • DOCKER_USERNAME: Add the username from your Docker account.
    • CLUSTER_NAME: Set this to the name of your ECS Cluster.
    • TASK_NAME_BE: Set this to the name of the backend task definition.
    • TASK_NAME_FE: Set this to the name of the frontend task definition.
    • SERVICE_NAME_BE: Set this to the name of the backend service.
    • SERVICE_NAME_FE: Set this to the name of the frontend service.
    • AWS_APPLICATION_NAME: Set this to the name of the Application in CodeDeploy for the backend.
    • AWS_DEPLOYMENT_GROUP_NAME: Set this to the name of the Deployment Group in the backend Application.


Since this repository is using Docker Hub to store images, if you wish to use a different registry like ECR, you will need to adjust the variables in the configuration files to match ECR.