To better understand the variables in this Terraform infrastructure, you can review the code snippet below along with detailed annotations.
# Setup local variables
locals {
region = "ca-central-1" # The region you are currently using
author = "DoAn" # Name of the user or the project
network_root_name = "DoAn-network" # Name of the VPC
vpc_cidr = "" # Primary CIDR block for your VPC virtual network infrastructure
compute_root_name = "DoAn-compute" # Name of the EC2 instance
key_name = "test-terraform" # Name of the Key pair created in the setup stage
# RDS database
db_username = "admin" # Username for RDS
db_password = "DoAn123456" # Database password
db_name = "Doandb" # Name of the RDS instance
# Cloud Map
service_discovery_namespace_name = "fcjresbar.internal" # Cloud Map namespace name
service_discovery_service_name = "backend" # Service name within the namespace
# Load Balancer
target_group_name = "my-tg" # Name of the target group
alb_name = "Doan-alb" # Name of the ALB
# Task definition of backend
backend_family = "fcjresbar-task-be" # Name of the backend task definition
backend_image = "lyhoangviet/backend:v1.0.2" # Link to the backend image on Docker Hub
mysql_database = "fcjresbar" # Name of the created database
db_dialect = "mysql" # Specifies the type of database
be_port = "5000" # Backend port
jwt_secret = "0bac010eca699c25c8f62ba86e319c2305beb94641b859c32518cb854addb5f4" # Secret key used for authentication encryption
# Task definition of frontend
frontend_family = "fcjresbar-task-fe" # Name of the frontend task definition
frontend_image = "lyhoangviet/frontend:v1.0.2" # Link to the frontend image on Docker Hub
be_host = "backend.fcjresbar.internal" # Mapped name from Cloud Map
ec2_instances = [
name = "server_test" # Name of the EC2 instance
ami = "ami-0eb9fdcf0d07bd5ef" # Ubuntu Server 24.04 LTS
instance_type = "t3.medium" # Type of instance to use
subnet_id = module.infrastructure_vpc.subnet_public1_id # Subnet created in VPC
security_group_ids = [] # Security group created in SG
Note: To function correctly, the above variables should be modified according to your specific configuration parameters.
vi .\Terraform-DoAn\deploy-infrastructure-ecs\